суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

domain name registration terms

I decided to use my birthday money on Mother 3. I really appreciate the suggestions and rationale behind them very much, but it was actually my mom, of all people, to sell me on Mother 3.

One thing I really didnapos;t mention is that I couldnapos;t actually afford any of those things (except Mother 3) outright with the birthday. In fact, for most everything else, the birthday money would have covered only a little over half (and for the Skeleton Spectre print, it wouldapos;ve been a little less than half). I wouldapos;ve had to contribute the rest and the news that Iapos;m now losing money instead making more made the decision a little easier.

I also didnapos;t mention Mother 3 is becoming more and more difficult to find. I visited several video game stores in Japan and could not find it, and my favorite import site no longer carries it. I could only find it through the only import seller on eBay I trust (buying video games on eBay is just begging for paying full market value for a bootleg/pirated copy).

I didnapos;t say anything because I basically just wanted unbiased opinions from my friends and so I wanted to present the items equal as possible.

But my mom said, "Craig, as a collector, can you really sleep knowing you own Mother 1 and 2, but not the third? Especially if itapos;s really becoming harder to find? The shoes and prints and headphones will always be there." Made sense to me.

So now I own the entire Mother trilogy, despite Nintendoapos;s valiant attempts to keep it from the US. I also have a few bucks left over. Not bad.

Thanks again guys.

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