вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

appalacian mountains height

I get to pick up my new car today.

2004 Pontiac Vibe. Iapos;ll be VIBINapos; all over town, sup ladies ;).

But really, Iapos;m so stoked to not have to drive my grandmaapos;s car anymore and get out of town for the weekend. Even if itapos;s just for a day to Vegas. Even though I hate Vegas. I have to plan a trip to California to hopefully pick up the stuff that was in my car. The body shop said they took everything out and would box it up and mail it to me. They never mailed it to me but They said they still had it boxed up last month. Hopefully they still have it, I had my tassel in there and Guitar Hero and tons of school papers and naughty pictures.

Boring numbers information below
It has aboot 92,000 miles on it, but that averages out to 23,000 miles a year which is about how much I drive anyway. No big deal.

$3,000 down and $290 a month for 32 months. I wasnapos;t too keen on this, but wahtever itapos;s a nice car.

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cloud 9 sky flats

Iapos;m going fucking insane. One minute itapos;s "okay, i can do this, i am strong, and independent and i can do this, i can," but my room is so cold with only my body and i realize i have been stoned all day and drunk all night for a week now and the next minute itapos;s "FUCK FUCK FCUK WHAT THE FUCK" and the next minute iapos;m completely shut off and i canapos;t think or feel or move. Mostly i donapos;t see the point of anything, i dont fucking care about anything, i just want to keep getting fucked up, FUCK IT FUCK

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

fox 24 kiefer

So last night, at the game, weapos;re sharing the table with some girls who got there before us.
I share ranch with them, but we donapos;t really talk.

In any case, a couple innings into the game, people start standing in closer to the tv since Fergapos;s is running out of room. Everyoneapos;s getting frustrated with the people who are getting in the way. Eventually, this REALLY tall guy moves in front of the girls and they start screaming at him to get out of the way and the conversation gets really heated. I donapos;t blame them for being mad at all. Iapos;m kind of mad for them. Courtney walks over and starts screaming too, but this guy just wonapos;t budge. I try to ignore it but they just keep screaming, not that I can hear them over the game, but Iapos;m distracted. So, I finally go over there and I tell the guy, "look, theyapos;ve been here since six oapos;clock."
"I donapos;t care. Itapos;s not my fault Iapos;m tall. They want me to move just because my friends were over here."
"Iapos;m not saying sheapos;s in the right, but this is really easy to solve. Just take two steps back and everyone stops screaming."
"But they keep saying Iapos;m in the walkway, and Iapos;m not. My friends were here for a long time too."
"I understand, but you ARE tall. I know itapos;s not YOUR fault, but take two steps back and everyone is happy."
"My friends are over there."
"Theyapos;re still arms-length away."
"I just want to be able to see. If you have a spot for me, Iapos;ll stand there."
"I do and you wonapos;t be in anyoneapos;s way."
"So youapos;re gonna be my drinking buddy."

Iapos;m a big fan of "please" and "thank you."
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

domain name registration terms

I decided to use my birthday money on Mother 3. I really appreciate the suggestions and rationale behind them very much, but it was actually my mom, of all people, to sell me on Mother 3.

One thing I really didnapos;t mention is that I couldnapos;t actually afford any of those things (except Mother 3) outright with the birthday. In fact, for most everything else, the birthday money would have covered only a little over half (and for the Skeleton Spectre print, it wouldapos;ve been a little less than half). I wouldapos;ve had to contribute the rest and the news that Iapos;m now losing money instead making more made the decision a little easier.

I also didnapos;t mention Mother 3 is becoming more and more difficult to find. I visited several video game stores in Japan and could not find it, and my favorite import site no longer carries it. I could only find it through the only import seller on eBay I trust (buying video games on eBay is just begging for paying full market value for a bootleg/pirated copy).

I didnapos;t say anything because I basically just wanted unbiased opinions from my friends and so I wanted to present the items equal as possible.

But my mom said, "Craig, as a collector, can you really sleep knowing you own Mother 1 and 2, but not the third? Especially if itapos;s really becoming harder to find? The shoes and prints and headphones will always be there." Made sense to me.

So now I own the entire Mother trilogy, despite Nintendoapos;s valiant attempts to keep it from the US. I also have a few bucks left over. Not bad.

Thanks again guys.

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equipment kansas lease

So Em and I�went to Best Buy last weekend and ended picking up a new laptop (primarily for her)�from which I�am making this post.� I�find it amazing how the price of these things has come down.� The hard drive is around 250 GB with 4GB Ram and we picked it up for $650.� Itapos;s 5.2 pounds and pretty thin.� Itapos;s better than the desktop I�bought 3 years ago and we paid less for it, so yeah.� Itapos;s really weird to think that back about 10 years ago when I was in high school and we got a new desktop I�was so psyched that it had a 4GB hard drive....

But when we were picking up anti-virus software for this computer (went with Kaspersky internet security, which I�guess is pretty good?� I�donapos;t know, might have been suckered by the best buy guy who was telling us how bad Nortan and Symantec are...) I�stumbled across a game entitled Civilization 4:�Colonization.� Intrigued I�picked it up and read the back - low and behold it was a remake of one of my favorite PC games of all time�

I used to spend hours in my room growing up committing genocide upon the Native American tribes on my path to Independence in the original colonization.� I even have the old version running on my desktop so when I get the itch 2-3 times a year I can zip through a game.� Needless to say, I had to pick it up.

The improved graphics donapos;t add anything for me and the one thing thatapos;s lacking is the zesty music from the original - itapos;s been replaced by the civilization like music that sits in the background mostly unnoticed.� The old music made me feel a sense of accomplishment and buoyed my emotions when I�sold 100 fur to my homeland or distinguished the Tupi.�

Another thing theyapos;ve changed that bothers me is that you know have to sacrifice 50 horses to build a stable.� I�understand using tools for production of warehouse expansions, etc. But�how the hell are you using horses to make a stable.� Is it made out of horse bone and glue?�

Most of the other changes are improvements or understandable and I especially like that when you visit a native tribe now it displays what skill they can teach you on the map instead of you having to remember.� The extra leader choices / different bonuses are nice.� The removal of France as a choice of country to start as is puzzling, I�was always a Spanish man anyway.� Like in civilization your cities now produce culture, which is only useful for passively extinguishing Indian villages (the Iriqous in my game had only two villages, both of which they turned over to me on their own because of my cultural influence thus extinguishing their civilization.�

But I�could go on and on�

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

de admiraal amsterdam

Currently at work. Iapos;m so sleepy, I want to kill myself. My eyes are frickinapos; red like whoa. I blame this all on you, Sid Meier. If it werenapos;t for you and your addicting and pointless games, I wouldapos;ve gotten enough sleep last night. I truly am a night person. Iapos;m not even sure how Iapos;ve managed to get any work done.

Someone come save me from work. Bring a pillow and blanket too.
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from grow herb seed

So not a lot is new...Iapos;ve decided that if my roomate didnapos;t want me using her computer, she wouldnapos;t leave it lying around all the time. After all, I did share my second dinner (I was hungover, one wasnapos;t enough) with her last night. Iapos;m going to Oxford tomorrow though, mainly to piss off my aunt....nah Iapos;m kidding, that;s not the reason. It will piss off my aunt though. And Iapos;m running low on money and I need to go to the train station and but a ticket and it will be expensive. Oh dear. But ayway, Mummy visits soon and once she does sheapos;ll buy me things. :D

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